Literature Of The Marketing Department

Lambin Jean-Jacques, Strategic Marketing, European Perspective St. Petersburg. The science. 1996 .-- 589 p.
Kotler Philip. The basics of marketing. - M.: Rosinter. 1996 .-- 736 p.
Drucker Peter. Market. How to become a leader. Practice and principles of Book Chamber International. 1992 .-- 200 p.
Drucker Peter. Effective management. M.: AST-Astral. 2004 .-- 284 p.
Gerasimchuk V.G. Marketing: theory and practice. - K.: Vishka shk., 1994 .-- 327 p.
Porter Michael. Competition. - M .: Williams. 1999 .-- 250 s.
Berezin I.S. Marketing analysis. - M.: Eksmo, 2002 .-- 400 p.
Gamble P., Stone M. .. Woodcock N. Consumer Relations Marketing. M.: FAIR-PREES, 2002 .-- 512 p.
Khrutsky V.E., Koreneva I.V.Modern marketing M.: Finance and statistics. 1999 .-- 528 s.
Petrovska S.V. Fundamentals of marketing, lecture notes. K.: NAU. 2O02. - 72 p.